

Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) - the EULAR Journal, publishes EULAR Congress abstracts 2020 - the original work on all aspects of rheumatology and disorders of connective tissue. 

It can be downloaded on the EULAR Congress website.


Read EULAR Congress News about the wide range of sessions available to you at this year’s e-congress.

An authorised publication of the European League Against Rheumatism.


Annals of Rheumatic Diseases (ARD) June issue is out! Read the latest from the journal of rheumatology. 


Please follow the link to see answers to the most frequent questions. 

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Thank you for your abstract submissions to EULAR 2020! Selected abstracts are now published in the abstract archive!

The Late Breaking abstracts are now included in the abstract archive (27 May)

The EULAR 2020 E-CONGRESS Scientific Programme

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We are glad to announce the approved satellite symposia programme is now available. Please access the link below.

Registration to EULAR 2020 E-CONGRESS

Registration to EULAR 2020 E-CONGRESS is open! Register here

EULAR 2019 Recorded sessions

Were you unable to attend EULAR 2019? Watch the recorded congress sessions.

Did you know? EULAR Textbooks

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